Month: June 2015

Joseph Dickerson

Not to say there isn’t room for innovation is OS design… but when you support millions of users, too much innovation alienates too many. #UX

Joseph Dickerson

Today’s Apple announcements show that OS design is a fairly mature space… Tuning plus fit and finish is where the focus is now. #UX

Joseph Dickerson

Today’s album: Seconds Out, by Genesis.

Joseph Dickerson

Happy birthday to @CarriBugbee!

Joseph Dickerson

Breaking Worse. Purple is the Newer Black. Stargate: SVU. Marvel’s Agents of Blatant Movie Tie-Ins. #RejectedTVShowSpinoffs

Joseph Dickerson

Just back from #Spy – a great film, extremely funny and much better than some of the ads make it look.

Joseph Dickerson

New at my blog: Micronauts ads!

Joseph Dickerson

Started using Wunderlist for my to-do tracker. Quite happy with it…

Joseph Dickerson

Enjoying a nice glass white and fattening myself on oysters and acorns while I catch up and watch the #Hannibal premiere.

Joseph Dickerson

On my patio drinking in some sun while I also drink down a Guinness.