Day: January 19, 2014

Joseph Dickerson

“Pringles: buy them just for the can, because they are close to inedible!” Does NO ONE know how advertising works anymore?!

Joseph Dickerson

“”This year’s Grammys, a special duet between Marilyn Manson and Garth Brooks!”

Joseph Dickerson

I’m beginning to second-guess and rethink my prediction of a New England/Seattle #Super Bowl…

Joseph Dickerson

OMAHA! #nfl

Joseph Dickerson

Have a box of wine, tortilla chips, hummus, and several pounds of chicken wings. OK, #NFL, It’s go time.

Joseph Dickerson

Today’s album: Excitable Boy, by Warren Zevon. #RIP

Joseph Dickerson

Fixed the family pancakes and bacon for breakfast. Now out of flour eggs and bacon. #teenageboys