Month: June 2013

Joseph Dickerson

Watching 1966’s Batman. Apparently Commissioner Gordon is functionally retarded. He calls the Batcave & Alfred answers. “Who can Batman be?”

Joseph Dickerson

Rolling my eyes at EW’s 100 greatest books of all time list. The Harry Potter series at no. 7, and Catch-22 at no. 85? Umm… how about NO.

Joseph Dickerson

Doing some writing while I watch John Hodgman’s RAGNAROK on Netlix.

Joseph Dickerson

Attn: @kaylai What lava looks like when poured over ice

Joseph Dickerson

It’s a new This Week in #UX with the latest articles on user experience design, curated by yours truly!

Joseph Dickerson

New at ye old blog, Me and my Aereo: Why the new streaming TV-antenna can be a huge disruptor…

Joseph Dickerson

It’s “Bill Quinn” night on TV. He was on the Odd Couple episode I just saw, & now he’s on the Mary Tyler Moore Show:

Joseph Dickerson

Unwinding after a long work week with some old friends:


Joseph Dickerson

Grilling salmon. Two of my favorite words, together again.

Joseph Dickerson

#UX/#UI designers… heck, ALL designers… go get yourself a copy of Hawkeye issue number 11, just released. Trust me.

Joseph Dickerson

Watch a Supercut of Pete Campbell, #MadMen Ranter Extraordinaire

Joseph Dickerson

Take a Video Tour of the Stanley #Kubrick Archive Exhibit at LACMA