Month: April 2013

Joseph Dickerson

Sleep In Style With New #StarTrek Pajamas

Joseph Dickerson

Would love to be on #TheAmazingRace… except if we were, we’d be divorced shortly after the race’s end.

Joseph Dickerson

Watching the Buck Rogers movie/TV pilot for my #NeglectedCinema series. It has not aged well. However, Erin Gray has. #yum

Joseph Dickerson

Bought magnetic cable clips on clearance from Target earlier today. They are awesome, may go back to get more later tonight. #randomthoughts

Joseph Dickerson

Watch ‘Star Wars IV: A New Hope’ in 60 Seconds

Joseph Dickerson

Built a new standing pantry for our kitchen… now, we can actually see how much food we actually have.

Joseph Dickerson

I love that you can get entire seasons of TV shows for $5:


Joseph Dickerson

Producer Mark Johnson on the Galaxy Quest Sequel: “It’s not over.” ME: From his lips to Grabthar’s ears…

Joseph Dickerson

Baseball player ‘steals first,’ confounding all scorekeeping software

Joseph Dickerson

OK, it’s time to retire for the night. Goodnight folks!

Joseph Dickerson

New #StarTrek movie is premiering in my (second) favorite country Australia soon… so if ya want #spoilers, they’ll be readily available.

Joseph Dickerson

Transformers long for Energon as they invade classic Guinness ads

Joseph Dickerson

Woman does amazing pole dance to #TwinPeaks theme “Falling”:

Joseph Dickerson

New at my blog: Photos: 2013 Vintage Computer Show and Apple “Pop-up” Museum