Year: 2010

Twitter Updates for 2010-04-03

YES! The Six Million Dollar Man is FINALLY coming to DVD: # Prepare For Boarding: Your Seat-Pocket Guide To iPad, from the iSmashPhone iPhone Blog… # Just re-enjoyed one of my favorite Star Trek movies ever: Galaxy Quest.…

Twitter Updates for 2010-03-31

Neighborhood kids who come to visit, won't leave, and are rude to my wife and I: that is my current pet peeve. #getoffmylawnyoukids # Enjoying some nice wine while I await tonight's LOST. #wehavetogoback # @BurnettRM Wow, that's great news.…

Twitter Updates for 2010-03-29

Home, and exhausted. I did good – did not buy a single thing… my sons, however, spent lots of leftover Christmas/birthday money. #joelanta # Rewatching the last episode of one of my favorite programs, ever: The Larry Sanders Show. #…

Twitter Updates for 2010-03-28

Comic industry responds to Dick Giordano's passing: # Today's awesome weirdness is Pooh vs. Alien. Yes, as in "Winnie the." # Wow, this day is full of WIN: the differences between geek, nerd, and dork, detailed via venn…

Twitter Updates for 2010-03-27

Off to the Apple store to see what's the deal with my iMac's hard drive… # @Televixen The paperwork filed by Dennis Hopper's attorney in his divorce claims he's "terminally ill". Very sad. in reply to Televixen # Yup, the…

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-27

Well, my youngest son's birthday party is done. Now, the general collapsing commences. # Buying a new dishwasher. Woo, par-tee! # 10 greatest Saturday morning shows in history: # Don't forget, only one more day before International Talk Like…

Twitter Updates for 2010-03-25

OH NO. Robert Culp has died. A great actor, and a fine man. # Just watched last night's LOST. Even more convinced my theory on how it will end is right. Hint: "The Wizard of Oz." # @breezyskies Well,…