Month: July 2009

Twitter Updates for 2009-07-16

RT (from @chiatlanta) Looking forward to CHI*Atlanta social tonight @ UserInsight. Food, drinks, networking… #UX # @ScottBourne That camera you are giving away is drool-tastic… I'd love to win it! in reply to ScottBourne # @Televixen Just noticed your profile…

Twitter Updates for 2009-07-15

"Bills paid, car gassed up, got a full cup of coffee, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses." #1stdraftscripts # Just downloaded some fantastic stencils from for OmniFocus. I Love my MacBookPro So Much. #UX # Oops meant to say…

Twitter Updates for 2009-07-14

@Televixen It's all in good fun, and you know I'm kidding… Dahling, you're gorgeous! in reply to Televixen # Overslept, off to work… #boringtweets # In-between neetings, skipped one I wanted to attend just so I could get some design…

Twitter Updates for 2009-07-14

@Televixen It's all in good fun, and you know I'm kidding… Dahling, you're gorgeous! in reply to Televixen # Overslept, off to work… #boringtweets # In-between neetings, skipped one I wanted to attend just so I could get some design…

Twitter Updates for 2009-07-13

Heaven help us, they are making a live-action Hong Kong Phooey movie. # @thaswell Welcome to Fiserv! Just remember, do everything that @amyhillman suggests, and you'll be just fine… # @thaswell I'll leave the interpretation to you. 😉 in…

Twitter Updates for 2009-07-12

Just enjoyed breakfast with the family – next: nothing much, thankfully. # RT Check out the death of Hollis Mason from Watchmen Directors Cut: (via @Latinoreview) # @Televixen The party is whenever you and @dvdgeeks deem to grace Casa…

Twitter Updates for 2009-07-11

Adding photos to my profile at… #startrek # RT @grantimahara: YesssssKirk! It's official. #Gorncannon is a go for next season's Viewer's Special. Me: Mythbusters + Star Trek = awesome. # "Lives are like retractable pencils – push them…

Twitter Updates for 2009-07-10

May have stumbled upon a brand new design module for my company's flagship product. This is why you do user research… #UX # So ready to be done with work right now… But still have work to do… # @jatdesign…