Month: June 2009

Twitter Updates for 2009-06-07

@VegasWalkinDude Thanks for the #followfriday, and what happened to the R in Dracula? Ask the Masons. in reply to VegasWalkinDude # After nutritious breakfast of Star Trek waffles AND cereal, prepping for 5+ hour plane ride. Destination: Seattle. Mission? UX…

Twitter Updates for 2009-06-06

@tillig Oh yes, I read the letter from the #AA designer. One of the many joys of corporations: fiefdoms and stakeholders. in reply to tillig # Off the see Land of the Lost with my oldest son. Hoping for the…

Twitter Updates for 2009-06-05

Wow, I’m toast today. Lightly buttered. # #followfriday @gbarrow30305, @timholl, @dvdgeeks, @runpee, @vegaswalkindude, @frankadman, @televixen # Almost done with work – I’m exhausted, but gratified. Three days straight of user testing… a new personal record. KEEP MOVING FORWARD! #UX #…

Rest in peace, David Carradine…

I can think of no better tribute to the wonderful David Carradine, who died today, than to showcase his great work. Here is one of my favorite scenes he acted in, his Superman monologue from Kill Bill. [youtube]PdWF7kd1tNo[/youtube] Thanks for…

Twitter Updates for 2009-06-04

Entertainment | Kung Fu star David Carradine found dead (via @bbc_news) (via @tweetmeme) # Ah, I love changing the designs we are testing less than an hour before the actual test. Defintely gets the blood pumping… #UX # Started…

VIDEO: Star Wars – The Old Republic game trailer

OK, Lucas, if you had given us ANYTHING close to the awesomeness seen in this game trailer in your prequels you would not get 1/10th of the fanboy complaints you have received. Let this be a lesson to you… [youtube]2BjJaAA5A7w[/youtube]

Twitter Updates for 2009-06-03

I’ve actually gotten a lot of help and good advice from government workers the past couple of days. Expectations: happily confounded. # @DVDGeeks Dont forget the Harrison Ford Pointed Finger of Doom (used in every film he’s in – patent…

Twitter Updates for 2009-06-02

Off to file paperwork for a new deck – that the contractors finished yesterday. The old building permit we had did not list “deck”… # Sigh. I didn’t have the paperwork I needed… So I have to come back. Ah,…

Twitter Updates for 2009-06-01

You know you are needing coffee desperately when you stand and stare at the pot as it brews. # What makes Mondays worse? When Murphy and his Law shows up… Especially when it comes in the form of a government…