Month: April 2009

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-21

@amyhillman Cause Windows search is slow, it’s hierarchical start menu is inefficient, Os X’ performance gets better every update, etc. in reply to amyhillman # @amyhillman As I mentioned, I want to try and make that my new catchphrase. “Why…

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-20

Yay! Got new Hot Wheels Batboat, from the 60s movie. If only they had a 1:50 scale exploding shark or magnetic buoy… # @DVDGeeks Yeah…”pizza.” So, do you take your “pizza” with or without vermouth? in reply to DVDGeeks…

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-19

Getting up and ready to see the terracotta army from China at the High Museum, and then, Ikea. It’s all about culture, today. #atl #ikea # @amyhillman I sonetimes go to FB and delete tweets, as I update here more…

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-18

He gave his life, for tourism. ♫ # A not-very-encouraging, but useful, graph on unemployment rates across the nation: # Hmm… Hulu coming to the iPhone? # Olsest son and I just finished seeing the Kung Tut…

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-17

Op-ed: Star Trek boldly goes into the Obama era #startrek #Spockyou’rehalfhumanremember? # Don’t forget, G.I.Joe fans: Joelanta is on May 17th! Hope for a big turnout! #gijoe #toys #atl # @amyhillman rough day yesterday? in reply to…

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-16

On the way to drop off middle son and then take on another 12-hour workday. I love usability testing, but boy those days are exausting #UX # Alan Moore thinks they should reboot 24 by having everything after mid-day One…

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-15

Drinking some green tea, making some last-minute changes to the prototype and test protocol for usability tests… #UX # RT Things you never want to hear in a user test “oh no”, “hmm”, “ok, I’m confused”, “uhhhhhh” (via @mikegee) #…

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-14

Ummm… Another rainy rush hour in Atlanta. Happy happy, joy joy. # RT @dfour: Great SlideShare Presentation : UX Team of One @ SXSW 2009 by Leah Buley from @AdaptivePath # Glad I get paid tomorrow: lots of bills…

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-13

Wow, the #amazonfail sentiment/outpouring of expression is impressing the heck out of me me. Glitch, Amazon? SURE… And I’m Sean Penn. # @Talkmaster You can get software clients to access and post on Twitter if your corporate IT peeps block…

VIDEO: Next Doctor Who special

Ah, what a satisfying nuWho special that aired in the UK this weekend. Fun. exciting, and filled with wonderful Tennant goodness. If only we folks in the USA had a chance to see it… Ahem. And, while (SPOILERS!) the portentous…

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-12

@BrentSpiner You’ll rise the third day. # We’ll be having ham for our Easter lunch, and right now I’m playing some traditional Easter tunes… David Bowie, U2, Nine inch Nails… # Hannah Montana was the #1movie this weekend. Have I…