Year: 2007

Damn you, DRM!

Ok, I posted the earlier link to AOL’s U.N.C.L.E. episodes without some of my caveats, so here they are: Damn you, digital rights management! I mean, I spent hours downloading episodes and then I had to watch it through the…

Happy Anniversary James Lileks!

A quick note wishing a happy anniversary to a man I have had the pleasure to exchange pleasantries with (via ye’ ol’ Internet) – James Lileks today celebrated his 10th Anniversary on the world wide web. For over a decade now…

Downloads from U.N.C.L.E.

Well, it’s not the DVDs that were stalled due to legal issues last year (which I detailed on my old dead .mac blog) but it’s the next best thing: Downloadable episodes of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. have been added to…

James Kim

Originally Published December 6th.  If you have been following the story via news sites, or the MSM, there is no need to rehash it, but I feel I had to post something about the death of James Kim, just announced…

Stumble Upon

Originally posted December 20th, 2006 Just discovered the StumbleUpon site/service and I like it quite a bit. The basic premise is that you are directed to semi-random web sites that match the interests you indicate. You can add any sites…