Where is UX design headed?

I think UX design is headed in three different directions:

The first direction is more about process and experience design and less about screens. There are design standards and frameworks established, and because of this UI design “maturity” designers can focus on solving user problems through the proper alignment of technology to how they work and what they do. Voice interaction and proactive notifications are a good example of this type of design need/direction.

The second is Agile and UX alignment – as more and more software teams adopt the Agile methodology, UX practitioners will need to start aligning their process to this. I’ve written a post on this which I will be adding to this site shortly.

The third direction is enhanced and augmented reality – where UX designers are and will be creating 3D worlds and not just flat interfaces or screens.  This will be challenging for some, and so multi-discipline design skills will be in higher demand.

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