Ten great resources to make you better at #UX

I’ve been doing user experience design for more than a dozen years now, and I’m still learning. Part of why I’m still learning is the technology that users interact and engage with is evolving at a fairly rapid clip, and keeping up with these things is a key to doing effective design. The other part is the baseline of user understanding and competency is always shifting, and with each year users learn adapt and evolve.

UX Magazine – http://www.uxmag.com

This site has dozens of great writers who cover many of the different topics in UX with wit, insight and wisdom. I’m one of those dozens, and I’m happy to contribute when I can.

Business Insider – http://www.businessinsider.com

What, a business/news site on a list of UX resources? Yes. Business Insider provides a lot of… well, insights into the world of business, tech, pop culture and more. A good UX designer should be “present” in the world – they need to know what is going what is going on so they can understand what factors are influencing their users.

Quora – http://www.quora.com

A great site that provides some “wisdom from the crowd” – Users post questions and also vote on answers. The best answer (usually) gets the most votes – there’s lots of topics that would be valuable to any UX professional.

UX Matters – http://www.uxmatters.com

Another site chock-full of articles and opinions around UX, though not as well-rounded as UX Magazine in my opinion.

Wired – http://www.wired.com

Wired is the leading site for tech news and opinion pieces, and I go to it at least once a week. A great place to know where tech is and where it may be going.

UX Myths – http://uxmyths.com/

A great site that lists misconceptions in UX, and then refutes them with arguments and links. Great site if you hear people say stuff like “A focus group is like a usability test, right?”

Slideshare – http://www.slideshare.com

UX folks like me give LOTS of presentations, and this site has a LOT of them The de facto standard for sharing presentations, Slideshare has an astonishing amount of content free of charge.

Stack Overflow – <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/user-experience

Stack Overflow is a site for developers to ask other developers questions, but a lot of the questions (and answers) are of interest to UX practitioners. The link goes direct to the UX topic on the site.

Info Design – http://www.informationdesign.org/

A great site on Information Architecture and UX.

This Week in UX – http://www.thisweekinux.com

Last one is a selfish one – it’s my site, where I manually and automatically aggregate news and articles in user experience weekly. Self-promotion aside, it’s a site I myself use it quite often.

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