Jack Kirby’s The Prisoner adaptation could have been awesome

pris1In 1976 Jack Kirby created an adaptation of 2001: A Space Odyssey. It was quite an odd  choice, in that the movie was over seven years old at the time. The adaptation, which ran for  issues, is analyzed in depth here. Thanks to this article, and a renewed interest in the work of Kirby with the success of the Marvel films, a lot of people have been discovering this work over the past two years. But it is an unfinished Kirby work that I have been intrigued with. Kirby set out to adapt another late 60’s property: The Prisoner. As a fan of Kirby and a HUGE fan of Patrick McGoohan’s epic work, I would have loved to have seen this completed. As it is, we only have a few images (Taken from The Jack Kirby Collector magazine). pris2 Gil Kane, a contemporary of Kirby’s and a legendary artist in his own right, also started an adaptation of The Prisoner… one that was also rejected and never completed. pris3Which would have been better? I would have loved to have seen both, but unfortunately it was not to be. The closest we ever got to an adaptation was a sequel from DC called Shattered Visage.


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