Day: August 7, 2013

Joseph Dickerson

Work obligations: done.
Now to pack my toiletries and go to sleep early for my VERY early flight to #STLV

Joseph Dickerson

#StarTrek 3: Kurtzman & Orci Back as Writers; New Director Rumors Surface

Joseph Dickerson

I think I’ve finally given up on my dreams of becoming a hair model.

Joseph Dickerson

Early Film by Orson Welles Is Rediscovered

Joseph Dickerson

Captain’s Chair Doggy Bed Puts Your Pooch at Your Home’s Helm #StarTrek

Joseph Dickerson

This computer took 40 minutes to simulate one second of brain activity

Joseph Dickerson

The complete Battlestar Galactica on blu-ray, $89.99 today only…

Joseph Dickerson

Alan Partridge’s top TV moments:

Joseph Dickerson

Have an iPad that feels empty inside? Then fill it up with books from yours truly!…

Joseph Dickerson

Just checked in to my flight to #STLV and looks like I’m gonna be upgraded… Awesomeness. #theonlywaytofly