Month: March 2013

Joseph Dickerson

It’s time for the new edition of This Week in #UX, all the latest and greatest articles on user experience design:

Joseph Dickerson

Making homemade waffles this morning. Yum.

Joseph Dickerson

Your Next Computer Will Live on Your Arm

Joseph Dickerson

John Barrowman Teases The Return Of Captain Jack Harkness For The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary

Joseph Dickerson

Brain-to-brain interfaces have arrived, and they are absolutely mindblowing

Joseph Dickerson

Bonnie Franklin Dies at 69 ME: Very sad news, a very talented lady.

Joseph Dickerson

David Allen Explains How to Master Your To-Do List

Joseph Dickerson

Spider-Man Physics: How Real Is the Superhero?

Joseph Dickerson

Listening to the new David Bowie album via ITunes streaming. Holy crap, it’s FANTASTIC. Welcome back, #thinwhitedude

Joseph Dickerson

Regarding my last retweet: Duncan Jones’ dad is a chap you may have heard of… David Bowie.

Joseph Dickerson

Gary Oldman will fight the ape uprising in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: ME: YES.