Day: March 31, 2013

Joseph Dickerson

World Backup Day: Now’s the Time to Fortify Your Digital Existence…

Joseph Dickerson

OK, I’ve written 2100 words today, I think that’s enough for a “day of rest.” Off to grill various cuts of meat…

Joseph Dickerson

Just dyed eggs, and now I’m working on the next chapter in my #UX101 book…

Joseph Dickerson

New at my blog: The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: a cult film that is a lot of things at once

Joseph Dickerson

Finally got to see Room 237, a documentary that details different theories on the meaning of Kubrick’s The Shining. Highly interesting.

Joseph Dickerson

So, who is the Woman in the Shop who gave Clara the phone number for the TARDIS? Rose? Amy? River? Donna? #DoctorWho

Joseph Dickerson

#DoctorWho returned in grand style tonight… brilliant episode.

Joseph Dickerson

Clear your schedule: Netflix is now streaming Adventure Time, Robot Chicken, Aqua Teen Hunger Force and more