Will U.N.C.L.E. a day return? Well… maybe.

My regular reader may have noticed I have not posted an U.N.C.L.E. a day column for… well, several days (a few weeks actually).

The long and the short of it is simple – the end of the year activities, both personally and professionally, has not allowed me the luxury of sitting down and watching a 50 minute TV program every day. In fact, my DVR is overflowing with shows (I have almost the entire season two of Mad Men to watch, all of the Sarah Conner Chronicles to date, and a bunch of documentary stuff) that I just cannot attend to. Truly a first-world problem, not being able to catch up on my recorded content. I only hope this continues to be a problem, as this will mean I remain gainfully employed….

So I MAY be able to carve out the time to revive this feature, but odds are it will be sleeping with the fishes for a while (as was my previous attempt at podcasting, as was my recent plans to revive said podcast). Being the head of a household of five and having a job that requires an average of 50 hours a week to do it well… it becomes all you can manage sometimes to just keep those balls in the air.

Look for more U.N.C.L.E. posts in the future, though… I’m too much a fan of the show to just drop it…

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