U.N.C.L.E. a day, day three: “The Iowa-Scuba Affair”

As I mentioned before this is my attempt at watching every single U.N.C.L.E. episode ever, in celebration of the complete series on DVD. Today I’m looking at episode two, “The Iowa-Scuba Affair” – a pretty good episode that features a great guest appearance from Slim Pickens as a local yokel in Iowa who is in reality a THRUSH agent working on infiltrating a secret underground military base and steal the secret plane (and the H-bomb it is armed with).

This is the first epsiode with the famous “Open Channel D” phrase, as well as the first time the U.N.C.L.E. gun is prominently featured. Also, the THRUSH rifles make their first appearances.

Some great visuals in this episode – Solo standing in front of a charging motorcycle with his U.N.C.L.E. gun blazing; two scuba men jumping up from a well to ambush Solo and the “innocent” of the episode; Poison gas streaming out of a shower head in an attempt on Solo’s life; and the underground chamber with scuba men working hand in hand with THRUSH agents, as a fullly-outfitted pilot stands by waiting to take off in the plane (“Halloween came early this year”). The plot is also tight as a drum.

Good scenes between Waverly and Solo (no Ilya this time) and the performance of Slim Pickens add color to a great, eminently rewatchable episode… and no wonder, as it was directed by the great Richard Donner.

UPDATE: Hey, you can watch it now!

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