“What do you mean, ONE of his last words?”

I neglected to mention when I wrote previously about the DVD release of the first season of Saturday Night Live the one reason I’m excited to see its release. No, it’s not the classic Last Voyage of the Starship Enterprise sketch, it’s my personal all-time favorite SNL sketch.

Citizen Kane 2.

Shown on the tenth episode, hosted by Buck Henry, the sketch was a black and white sequel to the classic Orson Welles film, with the entire cast playing character from the film (Aykroyd’s Charles Foster Kane was especially enjoyable). The premise is that Kane said more than just “Rosebud” on his death bed and… well, if you have not seen the sketch, I won’t ruin it for you, but the “reveal” of the joke is both hokey and brilliant at the same time (enhanced all the more by the actors cracking up as the characters piece it together).

Both this sketch, and the classic Star Trek sketch, were written by Mike O’Donoghue, may he rest in piece.

I can’t find a video clip online, but here’s the transcript, if you’d like.

– Joe

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